Grip Clean
Grip Clean comes in two convient sizs
It’s hard to reinvent the wheel, but every now and again people can take a product that we use on a regular basis and make it better for their style. This is what Bryce Hudson from Grip Clean has done. Bryce is a very accomplished motorcycle rider in a few different segments of FMX, but he is clearly not a one trick pony and has made a push to put Grip Clean on the Main Stage. I didn’t know much about Grip Clean or that Bryce was involved until I saw him on ABC’s very popular show Shark Tank. I was blown away when I saw his pitch the sharks. A few years had passed but just recently I saw a sign at Pala raceway for Grip Clean so, I reached out to Bryce through Instagram to get a few bottles to try for myself.
Bryce was kind enough to send me a few bottles to try and I was pumped because a good hand cleaner tends to just disappear in my garage. Once I opened up the box with my selection of bottles I was very impressed with the quality of the packaging in the bottles. I got a large bottle for more industrial garage use and smaller bottle I put in a the house kitchen. It didn’t take much time for me to need some Grip Clean with my daily activities making me a bit of a dirt bag. You might think that a quality hand cleaner is all the same but quickly understanding the Grip Clean is made with all natural products like coconut oil, olive oil, lime oil, and cosmetic grade clays. These ingredients make this product 100% biodegradable and also help repair your hands after a long day in the work shop using chemicals of all sorts. I put the Grip Clean to the test by oiling two Maxima Pro Filters with Maxima FFTMy hands were wet when I applied the Grip Clean and I’d say that the product cleaned my hands really well, but the best part about it was the way my hands felt afterwards. My hands were extremely soft and felt repaired which I have never felt with a Industrial hand cleaner.
Maxima air filter oil is no joke, but Grip Clean cleaned up the mess no problem
So should you order Grip Clean? Yes you should!!! For two Main reasons, the first reason is the product is good and works great at getting your hands clean but also repairs damaged skin because of it’s ingredients. The second is Bryce is a rider and has made a product developed by a rider for a rider who understands what it takes to clean your hands in a realistic work enviorment.
After oiling two filters with no gloves my hands are clean and softer then a baby's butt
GC Original -$9.99 roughly 50 washes
Half Gallon Counter Top Jug - $24.99 roughly 250 washes
Click Here to learn more about Grip Clean